Dancing stars of coastal georgia
A charitable event to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association comprised of local celebrity dancers paired with professional dancers, all raising funds by gaining votes in a one-night, spectacular gala dance competition.

Direct and produce a series of emotional contestant interviews leading up to the event, in order to increase social media and fundraising engagement. Create a clean and consistent graphics package for the presentation of the dancers and sponsors. Direct and run lights, audio, and multiple cameras for the entire show for projection on big screens at the event. Produce master copy of show as well as individual dances for social media distribution and future promotional material.
Develop a personal relationship with the contestants in order to better tell their stories. Review all copy and media with the Alzheimer’s Association in order to remain consistent with their branding and message. Oversee and test video, audio, and lighting equipment. Direct dress rehearsal with all on-site technicians, emcees, and contestants. Make any needed adjustments for show night.

A steady fundraising increase to over $342,000 in 2019, along with increased engagement with and awareness of the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Time is Now